St Theresas’ Parish has a number of ways you can get involved, whether you are interested in joining one of our family groups, or participating in other ways. If you would like further information on participating in any of these areas please contact us at the parish office.
Family Groups
Family Groups are a great way to mix with other families from the parish. Any one can join, and each Family Group is encouraged to develop its own kind of flavour.
Family Groups have an emphasis on building relationships and do so by getting together about once a month for social activities including picnics, camps, dinner nights etc.
Care & Concern Group
This group offers home help, care to sick, elderly, bereaved and those in crisis.
Visitation is on a monthly basis, where people are visited.
Meetings are the first Tuesday of each month in the foyer at 9.30am.
Parish Council
Meets each month to discuss direction of the parish and to implement its strategic plan. The six areas outlined in the plan are:
- Adult Education, Formation and Training
- Outreach and Pastoral Care
- Pastoral Leadership
- Liturgy
- Communications
Social Justice and Ecumenism
Hospitality and Welcome
Members of this team personally welcome new members of our community and serve refreshments on special occasions.
Parish Finance Committee
Meets regularly to discuss the finances of the parish.
Parish Consolation Group
Meets regularly to discuss the organizing of funerals and on-going support to the grieving.